Tuesday, June 15, 2010

True Friends

Hey all,
What I've noticed, since I've moved to Vanuatu, is that people come and go...CONSTANTLY!
Yes, in the literal sense (they move away or you move away etc.) but also in the heart.
You feel like you know someone, that there'll always be a place for them in your heart, even if you do move away, but then, eventually after not seeing each other for a while, you both change so much that you realise you probably won't ever be friends again, even if you do see them again.
This is a really sad thing, because you WANT everyone to continue to be your friend...FOREVER...but it just doesn't work that way. Because, if it did, life would be pretty boring...and pretty scary really because it would be an absolutely HUGE thing to pick your friends because you'll NEVER be able to lose them...even if you want to.
Sorry, I'm not really sure if this blog makes sense...it probably doesn't because you don't really know what I'm talking about, what I'm feeling at the moment.
The thing is...yes, there are people who come in and out of your life, and you eventually forget about those people, or the memories are all painful. BUT there are some specific people, special people, who come into your life, and even if they do move...or if they don't, they'll always stick with you. They'll always be in your heart and mind...no matter how far apart you are.
Here's a quote that sums up exactly what I've been saying today:
"Many people will walk in and out of your life...but only true friends will leave footprints on your heart." - Eleanor Roosevelt
Love you all my true and wonderful friends...you know who you are :)


  1. yes ash...why would you doubt it for a second!?!
    Love you MORE!
