Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hello Again!

Hey Peeps,
Sorry I had to close so suddenly last time...I was told to get off the computer but I wanted to finish my blog 1st.
Well, anyway, this weekend I'm a bit upset because it's a long weekend in Australia and all my cousins and friends are going to our church youth camp held every year called 'SSS'. But the really sad part is that this year is the year that me and all my friends my age would start going! So all them are going and I'm missing out!
Oh well, it's ok cuz I'll cope here...doing school work and all!!!
My thoughts:
I think the saying "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" is pretty stupid because...who wants lemonade just made out of lemons!?!
I love it when I can talk to friends who live far, far away (or even really close, for that matter) on the internet! I can keep up on what's happening in my old hometown, even though I live in a different country now! THANK YOU TO THE PEOPLE WHO INVENTED INTERNET!
And a quote for the day:
This world doesn't make why should I!?!
Ok cya peeps,

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