Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Good Side of People

Yeah, I know my last post was really depressing...well, it was depressing to write, so it probably was to read! But that was because I'd just been disappointed so I wanted to get out what I was feeling onto paper....well, onto the computer :P
But now, I'm happy! So I want to talk about the GOOD side of people...not the bad side. Yup, even though people sin and are annoying sometimes and all that....they CAN be pretty cool! Why else would've God made us?
Anyways, people, friends and family especially, can cheer you up when you're down, surprise you and just boost you in ways that you really wouldn't expect!
I love it when people go from one side of their life to the other (as in good side to bad side) because, even though it might hurt at the time, it keeps life interesting and fun.
So thanks to all the WONDERFUL peoples in my life or, in other words, thanks for being in my life...EVERYONE who's in it!
Love yous all

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