Wednesday, June 30, 2010


You know how some people say "I hate my little sister" or "I hate my big brother"? Well, tell ya what.....I hate that attitude!
They are your FAMILY! Your own flesh and blood! Honestly, if you hate them...who CAN you love!?!
I just wanted to say that I LOVE my family, even though they can sometimes annoy the heck out of me. Yeah, they make mistakes, they frustrate me, I annoy them, but we're family and we love each other. We'd die for each other, not die BECAUSE of them!
Because that's what hating is, killing someone in your head. Look at Cain and Abel, Cain hated Abel because his offering was accepted by God and Cain's wasn't...and that lead to DEATH for Abel. Now, I know that is a bit extreme and you would probably never even THINK of doing that to your 'hated' brother or sister, but still, this is what these thoughts can lead to.
Think about this, if your bro or sis (or even both!) was in a fatal car accident, would you miss him/her? Would you care that he/she died? Or would you just go along with life and forget about your once brother/sister?
If you answered 'yes' to the 1st two questions and 'no' to the last one, than I think you DO care about, and even LOVE, your family.
I challenge you, whenever the harsh word 'hate' ever attempts to slip out of your mouth, think about the fact that if you say that, and they die tomorrow, that could be the last word they hear from your mouth! Would you like that? I think not.
So I'll close this post by saying, I love you family, and I'll never, ever, EVER hate you, no matter what I say!

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