Thursday, June 10, 2010

For Starters

I'm back! And this time I'll give you the full low-down!
I'm a girl living in Vanuatu because my parents are helping set up a church here. We're working with a family from Malekula (another island) for 4 years, and as they live about 10 metres away from us, I have inbuilt friends!
I used to go to the public school but now, as the work was a bit easy, am homeschooling. This is a big disappointment for me and my family as we really wanted to get to know the people better through school.
I have 2 siblings. 1 brother, 1 sister, and they're both younger than me.
I love Vanuatu! I have lots of really awesome friends here! But I also have GREAT friends in Australia, so I can't wait for them to visit so I can introduce them to my friends HERE!...If that made sense at all!
Anyways, this blog will basically just be following my day-to-day life. Just me writing when I feel like it (which will probably be lots!).
I used to have a website, back in Australia, but after we moved here and didn't have internet for 6 months, I lost my faithful hopefully I'll be able to make this blog more consistent.
Ok, well, thanks for reading.
Tune in next time for the next post of 'Just Another Day In Paradise'!!!!!


  1. Hey Cinta! Good Job starting a blog. This will be great to keep up with what you guys are doing. I would like to meet your new friends sometime. Hope you're enjoying home schooling. Catch ya later.
    Luv Stace

    Oh yay- i'm first person to leave a comment on your new blog!

  2. Hi Cinta! Best wishes for your blog and for your new life there!
    May I ask you to visit my blog for a moment as to add the unusual Vanuatu flag to my counter? I'm a flag collector and I would appreciate it so much!
    Thanks and bless you and your family.
    (Venice, Italy)

  3. Hey Stace,
    Thanks for reading the blog...didn't think anyone would!
    I AM enjoying homeschooling (so much harder than central)and would LOVE it if you could meet my friends sometime...because that would involve you coming here!!!!
    Love you loads

  4. Hi Dona,
    Yes, I would add the flag but I'm not really sure what to do.
    Do I just have to go onto your blog?
    Thanks LOADS for reading this!
