Wednesday, June 30, 2010


You know how some people say "I hate my little sister" or "I hate my big brother"? Well, tell ya what.....I hate that attitude!
They are your FAMILY! Your own flesh and blood! Honestly, if you hate them...who CAN you love!?!
I just wanted to say that I LOVE my family, even though they can sometimes annoy the heck out of me. Yeah, they make mistakes, they frustrate me, I annoy them, but we're family and we love each other. We'd die for each other, not die BECAUSE of them!
Because that's what hating is, killing someone in your head. Look at Cain and Abel, Cain hated Abel because his offering was accepted by God and Cain's wasn't...and that lead to DEATH for Abel. Now, I know that is a bit extreme and you would probably never even THINK of doing that to your 'hated' brother or sister, but still, this is what these thoughts can lead to.
Think about this, if your bro or sis (or even both!) was in a fatal car accident, would you miss him/her? Would you care that he/she died? Or would you just go along with life and forget about your once brother/sister?
If you answered 'yes' to the 1st two questions and 'no' to the last one, than I think you DO care about, and even LOVE, your family.
I challenge you, whenever the harsh word 'hate' ever attempts to slip out of your mouth, think about the fact that if you say that, and they die tomorrow, that could be the last word they hear from your mouth! Would you like that? I think not.
So I'll close this post by saying, I love you family, and I'll never, ever, EVER hate you, no matter what I say!

To all the people out there who developed technology :)

Hey Peoples,
I'm really relying on technology right now. As I've left the local school to do distance ed, I'm using the internet to: a) contact teachers b) keep in touch with friends c) research for school d) use it for pure enjoyment.
So this is to all the internet developers out there (because I'm sure they spend their precious time reading my awesome blog :P), thank you SOOOOOOO much for using your wonderful brains to develop internet!
And also, thanks to my friends' parents for deciding to invest in internet, so your sons and daughters can keep in contact with me! I love you so much!
Ok, there's my interesting dedication to parents and internet developers (who would've thought they'd ever be in the same category!?!)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Good Side of People

Yeah, I know my last post was really depressing...well, it was depressing to write, so it probably was to read! But that was because I'd just been disappointed so I wanted to get out what I was feeling onto paper....well, onto the computer :P
But now, I'm happy! So I want to talk about the GOOD side of people...not the bad side. Yup, even though people sin and are annoying sometimes and all that....they CAN be pretty cool! Why else would've God made us?
Anyways, people, friends and family especially, can cheer you up when you're down, surprise you and just boost you in ways that you really wouldn't expect!
I love it when people go from one side of their life to the other (as in good side to bad side) because, even though it might hurt at the time, it keeps life interesting and fun.
So thanks to all the WONDERFUL peoples in my life or, in other words, thanks for being in my life...EVERYONE who's in it!
Love yous all

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Hey Peoples,
Just wanted to say that in this life, people disappoint you...all the time.
They'll let you down, they'll cancel on things you get all excited for and they won't really care.
But that's just the thing...PEOPLE disappoint you...but God never will.
He'll always be by your side, looking after you...FOREVER!
So I think the smart thing to do would be to stop putting your trust in people and start putting it in God because he 'will never leave you nor forsake you'.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Some people accuse me of being a way-too-happy person. They say I laugh too much, smile too much and am just all together too happy.
Well, I don't get it cause why WOULDN'T you want to be happy!?! Especially when God's given you such an awesome life as mine!
I just think, happiness is a way to show that you love God and you love the life he's given you, including the people in it.
AND you can make other people happy by smiling at them...they're bound to smile back!
This was just to say, happiness is a good thing, something you CAN'T have way too much of!
And to finish it off:
'If you see a friend without a smile, give him one of yours!'

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

True Friends

Hey all,
What I've noticed, since I've moved to Vanuatu, is that people come and go...CONSTANTLY!
Yes, in the literal sense (they move away or you move away etc.) but also in the heart.
You feel like you know someone, that there'll always be a place for them in your heart, even if you do move away, but then, eventually after not seeing each other for a while, you both change so much that you realise you probably won't ever be friends again, even if you do see them again.
This is a really sad thing, because you WANT everyone to continue to be your friend...FOREVER...but it just doesn't work that way. Because, if it did, life would be pretty boring...and pretty scary really because it would be an absolutely HUGE thing to pick your friends because you'll NEVER be able to lose them...even if you want to.
Sorry, I'm not really sure if this blog makes probably doesn't because you don't really know what I'm talking about, what I'm feeling at the moment.
The thing is...yes, there are people who come in and out of your life, and you eventually forget about those people, or the memories are all painful. BUT there are some specific people, special people, who come into your life, and even if they do move...or if they don't, they'll always stick with you. They'll always be in your heart and matter how far apart you are.
Here's a quote that sums up exactly what I've been saying today:
"Many people will walk in and out of your life...but only true friends will leave footprints on your heart." - Eleanor Roosevelt
Love you all my true and wonderful know who you are :)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hello Again!

Hey Peeps,
Sorry I had to close so suddenly last time...I was told to get off the computer but I wanted to finish my blog 1st.
Well, anyway, this weekend I'm a bit upset because it's a long weekend in Australia and all my cousins and friends are going to our church youth camp held every year called 'SSS'. But the really sad part is that this year is the year that me and all my friends my age would start going! So all them are going and I'm missing out!
Oh well, it's ok cuz I'll cope here...doing school work and all!!!
My thoughts:
I think the saying "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" is pretty stupid because...who wants lemonade just made out of lemons!?!
I love it when I can talk to friends who live far, far away (or even really close, for that matter) on the internet! I can keep up on what's happening in my old hometown, even though I live in a different country now! THANK YOU TO THE PEOPLE WHO INVENTED INTERNET!
And a quote for the day:
This world doesn't make why should I!?!
Ok cya peeps,

Friday, June 11, 2010

No Voice...And I'm DYING!

Hey Everybody,
For those who know know I love talking, right? And for those who DON'T know me...I love to talk!
So when I sudden lose my voice so that the only talking I can do is a whisper OR a wacko high, low, high, silent speaking!
It's HORRIBLE! But this is why I have a outlet my talking without actually having to open my mouth!
So my thoughts for today:
I love friends...that's completely random but it's true.
AND...I'm completely over learning about the earth's atmosphere...I like chickens better!
And my awesome quote:
A true friend is someone who thinks you're a good egg even though you're slightly cracked.
Ok, I gotta let our visitors settle into their room (the study) so:
Over and Out!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

For Starters

I'm back! And this time I'll give you the full low-down!
I'm a girl living in Vanuatu because my parents are helping set up a church here. We're working with a family from Malekula (another island) for 4 years, and as they live about 10 metres away from us, I have inbuilt friends!
I used to go to the public school but now, as the work was a bit easy, am homeschooling. This is a big disappointment for me and my family as we really wanted to get to know the people better through school.
I have 2 siblings. 1 brother, 1 sister, and they're both younger than me.
I love Vanuatu! I have lots of really awesome friends here! But I also have GREAT friends in Australia, so I can't wait for them to visit so I can introduce them to my friends HERE!...If that made sense at all!
Anyways, this blog will basically just be following my day-to-day life. Just me writing when I feel like it (which will probably be lots!).
I used to have a website, back in Australia, but after we moved here and didn't have internet for 6 months, I lost my faithful hopefully I'll be able to make this blog more consistent.
Ok, well, thanks for reading.
Tune in next time for the next post of 'Just Another Day In Paradise'!!!!!

On The RUSH Again

Hey Everybody,
Welcome to my blog.
Can't really say much cuz I'm about to start I'll explain everything this afternoon.
But...hope you enjoy reading my blog, 'Just Another Day In Paradise'!