Monday, July 26, 2010

The Land Of If-Only

Last night I was lying in bed thinking 'If only I did this' and 'I wish I didn't do that'. But then I remembered a line from one of my favourite book series of all times....Christy Miller.
Basically, Christy's sitting there going 'Oh, I wish I didn't do that (I can't remember exactly what she did)' but then her friend comes along and explains that if you keep saying stuff like that, than you're just going to be stuck in the 'Land of If-Only'. And you'll drive yourself CRAZY!
So what I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't regret things that you did because you've already done them; just learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward.
Because it'll do you NO good to stay in the 'Land of If-Only'!

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