Thursday, July 22, 2010

New Beginnings

Well, I'm back at school again. Back to waking up early, back to routine, back to actually THINKING!
But this time it's different....I'm gonna try really hard to do my work and everything because, in 1 Corinthians 10:31 it says: 'Whether you eat or drink or WHATEVER you do, do it all to the glory of God.'
That basically means, I gotta pretend that I'm sending my schoolwork to God and I need to do my work as if He's marking it, so He will be satisfied with it.
It's like anything else, you gotta remember that God's watching. And, also, people are watching. People that know you're a Christian (and they aren't) are probably watching and waiting for you to slip up so they can say '____________ (insert name here) was backchatting to the teacher the other day, so if she/he can do it and they're a Christian, than of course I can do it!'
And this is not a good thing. We, as Christians, want to set an example for others.
So that's what I'm going to try and do with my schoolwork, my relationships and just my life in general. It's a new day, so I'm gonna restart my a good way :)
Please help me and support me by praying for God to help me in this.

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