Saturday, July 17, 2010


Hey dudes and dudettes,
Tonight my youth is having a talent night. Everyone's been practising like CRAZY! It's going to be so much fun with so many acts and so many people participating.
But this has reminded me that we all have talents....every single one of us. Whether it's singing, dancing, cooking, learning, sport, ANYTHING; God has given you something to use for Him.
If you're a good singer, you can sing songs that praise God or tell others about Him. If you're a good sportsman, when you're at sporting events you can be a good example and not fight with the ref etc.
You might not think you have a particular talent. But, believe me, you have one! EVERYONE has a talent that God gave to you, for a purpose! It might be something really strange, such as CLEANING...but you can use that for God. You can go around helping people who have not much time to clean their houses which is serving God in a way because He says to be a servant, like Jesus.
So yeah, don't forget to look for your talent and to use it for the Lord. And if you DO know your talent and you're just CHOOSING not to use it for Him, change your ways cause they'll get you nowhere....except Hell! That might sound a bit harsh, but it's true. So if you don't wanna accept things like that, stop reading my blog now, cause that's what you gotta face if you wanna get anywhere in life.
Ok gotta go,

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