Friday, July 9, 2010

Happy Birthday :)

Hey Guys n Gals,
It just so happens that today my little sister turns 8 today.
So basically I just wanted to write this to say happy birthday to little Tioney!
So yeah, happy bday Tione, have a great day and enjoy all your pressies!

And on this subject, I want you to think about life and how short it is. Really, I can actually remember the day Tione was born...a whole 8 years ago.
These years have really flown by, they've gone just like that! So I urge you to submit your days to the Lord, because when they are done, you'll feel like your life went by and stopped, while you blinked!
And, if you don't surrender your life to Him, you'll most likely feel as if you've wasted your life. And you'll wish you could re-do it.
But the thing is, YOU CAN'T! You can't relive your life. You've got one chance, so you gotta make it count.

So, on this special day that's my sister's birthday, think about your life, and think about what it would mean to you to have a second chance to be free, to spend the rest of your days with God, instead of without Him.
Thanks for listening,

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