Monday, July 26, 2010

The Land Of If-Only

Last night I was lying in bed thinking 'If only I did this' and 'I wish I didn't do that'. But then I remembered a line from one of my favourite book series of all times....Christy Miller.
Basically, Christy's sitting there going 'Oh, I wish I didn't do that (I can't remember exactly what she did)' but then her friend comes along and explains that if you keep saying stuff like that, than you're just going to be stuck in the 'Land of If-Only'. And you'll drive yourself CRAZY!
So what I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't regret things that you did because you've already done them; just learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward.
Because it'll do you NO good to stay in the 'Land of If-Only'!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

New Beginnings

Well, I'm back at school again. Back to waking up early, back to routine, back to actually THINKING!
But this time it's different....I'm gonna try really hard to do my work and everything because, in 1 Corinthians 10:31 it says: 'Whether you eat or drink or WHATEVER you do, do it all to the glory of God.'
That basically means, I gotta pretend that I'm sending my schoolwork to God and I need to do my work as if He's marking it, so He will be satisfied with it.
It's like anything else, you gotta remember that God's watching. And, also, people are watching. People that know you're a Christian (and they aren't) are probably watching and waiting for you to slip up so they can say '____________ (insert name here) was backchatting to the teacher the other day, so if she/he can do it and they're a Christian, than of course I can do it!'
And this is not a good thing. We, as Christians, want to set an example for others.
So that's what I'm going to try and do with my schoolwork, my relationships and just my life in general. It's a new day, so I'm gonna restart my a good way :)
Please help me and support me by praying for God to help me in this.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Hey dudes and dudettes,
Tonight my youth is having a talent night. Everyone's been practising like CRAZY! It's going to be so much fun with so many acts and so many people participating.
But this has reminded me that we all have talents....every single one of us. Whether it's singing, dancing, cooking, learning, sport, ANYTHING; God has given you something to use for Him.
If you're a good singer, you can sing songs that praise God or tell others about Him. If you're a good sportsman, when you're at sporting events you can be a good example and not fight with the ref etc.
You might not think you have a particular talent. But, believe me, you have one! EVERYONE has a talent that God gave to you, for a purpose! It might be something really strange, such as CLEANING...but you can use that for God. You can go around helping people who have not much time to clean their houses which is serving God in a way because He says to be a servant, like Jesus.
So yeah, don't forget to look for your talent and to use it for the Lord. And if you DO know your talent and you're just CHOOSING not to use it for Him, change your ways cause they'll get you nowhere....except Hell! That might sound a bit harsh, but it's true. So if you don't wanna accept things like that, stop reading my blog now, cause that's what you gotta face if you wanna get anywhere in life.
Ok gotta go,

Friday, July 9, 2010

Happy Birthday :)

Hey Guys n Gals,
It just so happens that today my little sister turns 8 today.
So basically I just wanted to write this to say happy birthday to little Tioney!
So yeah, happy bday Tione, have a great day and enjoy all your pressies!

And on this subject, I want you to think about life and how short it is. Really, I can actually remember the day Tione was born...a whole 8 years ago.
These years have really flown by, they've gone just like that! So I urge you to submit your days to the Lord, because when they are done, you'll feel like your life went by and stopped, while you blinked!
And, if you don't surrender your life to Him, you'll most likely feel as if you've wasted your life. And you'll wish you could re-do it.
But the thing is, YOU CAN'T! You can't relive your life. You've got one chance, so you gotta make it count.

So, on this special day that's my sister's birthday, think about your life, and think about what it would mean to you to have a second chance to be free, to spend the rest of your days with God, instead of without Him.
Thanks for listening,

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Freckles :)

Yo Peoples,
I've officially got a new favourite's called 'Freckles' by Natasha Bedingfield. Look it up if you have the time cuz it's really awesome.
But anyways, basically the message of the song is love who you are and don't worry about what others think of you, because everyone's different and you're unique and special in your own way.
The main thing it focuses on is...freckles! And that really appeals to me because, in case you hadn't realized, I've got PLENTY of freckles :P
This is my favourite line of the song, it's in the chorus:
"Cuz a face with out freckles is like the sky without the stars" awesome is that!?!
So this is what I wanted to say in my post...don't worry about what people think of your appearance or anything because we all know, God looks on the inside, only people look on the outside. So if you're displaying the Fruits of the Spirit and trusting in God, being an altogether nice person, but people are bagging you out about your looks, don't worry about it because you know that you're concentrating on the more important aspects of life.
Hope you find this encouraging :)