Thursday, August 26, 2010


Hi Everybody,
At the moment, I've got 2 very, very, VERY sore feet! You know why....because I decided to play netball barefoot as I had rain water in my Volleys. So the result, 2 MASSIVE blisters on each foot AND I won't be able to play netball this afternoon :(
But this got me thinking...EVERYTHING you do has a consequence. It might be good or it might be bad, but absolutely EVERYTHING has a consequence, a result.
The consequence of our sin should be death; it says so in Romans 6:23, 'For the wages of sin is death,' BUT there's a second half to that verse which gives us all hope: 'but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.'
So basically, we SHOULD be going to hell for all the bad things we've done (and many people are) BUT if we put our trust in God than He'll save us from that fiery furnace and give us everlasting life.
How good does that sound!?!?!!?
So put your trust in God before you have to suffer the consequence that is WORSE than blistery feet; that is DEATH!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Hi Everybody,
In case you haven't heard already (either from facebook, email or the news) there was a HUGE earthquake in Vanuatu on Tuesday. It was 7.6 on the richter scale and we were only about 40 kms from the epicenter. How freaky is that!?!?!?!
To give you an idea of how big it really was, listen to this. The Haiti earthquake that killed more than 200 000 people (about the population of Vanuatu) was only a 7! But this one was a lot deeper so it actually did barely any damage....apart from really shaking us all and freaking us out!
Me, Mum and my brother were in a cafe at the time. At first it was pretty small, like a normal earthquake we have here, but then it just got bigger and bigger and bigger! All the staff were running out and we heard this smash in the we ran outside as well. Outside it was CRAZY! SOOOOO many people were out there, screaming and racing about, trying to get away from the shaking buildings. We were in a carpark and what really scared me was all the cars bouncing ships in big waves!
As I said before, there was basically NO damage....only about 2 or 3 houses fell down in the whole of Vanuatu. We're still having aftershocks, but apparently this could go on for weeks to months....and we're getting used to that. The aftershocks are actually good because it releases the pressure that could otherwise be built up to make another massive earthquake. One of my friends was hit in the head with a light at the local supermarket....she's got bruises and cuts, but all in all she's ok.
Praise God for this. It really showed His power....I mean, creating something as big as that...that's AMAZING! But it also showed His great love for people....barely anyone got hurt even though it frightened us all.
So yeah, I just wanted to let you all know that we're ok, and that God protected us even in this scary time. Just PLEASE continue to pray that there WON'T be another big one...because there's always a possibility.
Gotta go now,

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Hey everybody,
I just thought I should share this post from one of my really good friends who leaves the country this afternoon -
Goodbyes are so difficult. When you make really amazing friends then have to leave 6 months later, to go a million miles away (literally), it hurts. But just remember, the hardest goodbye ever said was when God sent His only Son to die for unfaithful, sinful, people, God sent Him to DIE. Think about that. I'll see you guys really soon, and I'll miss you heaps... Bye.
I just thought that this was a really good insight. Like, saying goodbye even when you'll probably see someone again is difficult enough....but saying goodbye to your Son who you know is going to DIE....THAT is hard as!
So even though I'll miss Grace SOOOOOO much, I'm sure I'll cope because even if I don't see her again on Earth, I'll see her in Heaven. Or, as another friend said, 'ON SKYPE!' Thank goodness for technology...hahaha :D
So here's a special goodbye to one of my best friends....Grace.
I love you and will miss you....HAVE FUN!!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Last night when I was on the back of the truck picking up people for prayer meeting, I noticed the stars, as I always do. I don't know why, but being in Mele on a Wednesday night always makes me look up....and the sky never disappoints.
It's really beautiful, but what I was really thinking is that you can kind of imagine the sky is a black sheet with holes in it; and those holes are to remind us that God is always watching.
In a way, that's a bad example, because God is here with us...not just a-far-off. But it's also good...because it reminds us that God is watching our every move, every word, every we should be careful about what we do.
Because even if no one else is watching.....GOD IS!

Monday, August 2, 2010


Sorry, I had to do that :) In case you were wondering, the 1st one was english (DER), 2nd was bislama (vanuatu) and the 3rd french, which, I have to admit, I looked up in google translate :P
Anyways, yeah, welcome to August! It's a new month so we can start our days looking forward to what this month might bring.
For me, it's actually not that happy - my friend leaves to America in 9 days and the rest of the time I'm just doing school....but still. God could (and, I'm sure, DOES) have some special plans for me in this month.
For all I know, I could make a GAZILLION new friends, get really good marks in my work and have my bestie come over from Australia. Now, I highly doubt that....but you never know!
Just remember this:
'For I know the plans I have for you,' DECLARES the Lord, 'Plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future!' - Jeremiah 29:11
That's my favourite Bible verse because it sure helped me a lot when we were waiting to come over here. the moment I really can't believe I was worried - I LOVE it over's the most amazing place on Earth! Any of you who've never been to Vanuatu - you're missing out! Come over here ASAP....and visit me while you're at it :)
So yeah, that verse that I mentioned before is VERY true and still helps me now....and I think, when you ponder on that verse, it'll help you too.
Love you guys :)