Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Redemption Through the Blood of Jesus

Amazing, inspiring, wonderful and just plain AWESOME. Those are the words I would use to describe the Easter Camp I went on this last weekend. It was fun, but it incorporated some of the most important messages you can ever receive in this life.
We played sports, hung out with friends, went swimming in the clear, blue Vanuatu sea and performed around the campfire; these were the activities and they were absolutely awesome. But these things were not the point of camp. Not at all.
The point of camp was that we can have 'Redemption through the Blood of Jesus' if we so desire it. All we have to do is go to Him and one drop of His blood will wash away every single bit of the bad stuff we've done in our lives. All the lies, the stealing, the swearing, the anger and just our meanness in general can all be taken away if we just believe in Him.
To me, this is the most important message of the world. Honestly, is there anything better than the promise of eternal life? I've always said I'm a Christian, presumed I'm going to Heaven, but this camp really made me think. Do I know I'm going there? I want to; I really do.
I want to be with my friends and family forever, celebrating in God's glory. I want to see people from the Bible, to get their perspectives on things. I want to know that Jesus burnt all my sins through His death, like the symbol that we had at camp. But most importantly, I want to know that I'm safe from absolutely anything that comes my way, whether it be good, bad or completely outrageous, I want to know God is with me.
And I can know all these things if I just put my faith in the blood of Jesus Christ. Will you do it too?

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