Thursday, March 31, 2011


It's kinda funny how, when I decided to make this blog, I thought my life would somehow be more interesting than the normal teenager's life. That I could maybe change the world through writing. That I would write about my encouragement about how many people came to church on Sunday, or about my sadness about the lack of interest in our work here. That I'd be different. That maybe, just maybe, I would look back on this blog and go 'wow, that time in Vanuatu really changed me, made me more mature and just helped me learn about God.'
But, I'm a 13, almost 14, year old girl. Yes, I live in another country, speak 2 languages and homeschool, but my life is probably the same as most Australian girls my age. I'm not a different person just because I'm a missionary kid! What I blog about is no more interesting than what my friend, Ashleigh, blogs about.
My life is pretty average. Pretty boring, actually. Sure, we have youth activities that I organise. So does every Christian teen around Australia. Yeah, we had 50 people come to church last Sunday. You had about 150 in your church, I'll bet.
What I blog about just isn't these things. I blog about MY life, MY feelings. I don't blog about what the leaders in the church are thinking of doing to pull more people to come to Christ. I don't blog about the upcoming evangelical talk that we think will bring more people to church. Sure, these things are important to me. But they don't make up my life. I have a life outside the church; outside the mission field. I have friends. I have letdowns. I have a job.
And I'm me. I'm no different because I'm living in another country. I'm Jacinta Mae Zylstra. I like to sing and play piano. I have some really, really awesome friends who are so completely scattered throughout the globe but, quite honestly, I don't mind that. I play netball and am a huge supporter of the Dragons, an NRL team. I'm 13 years old and my best friend from my school in Australia is coming to visit ME. These things are important to me, whether they're going to change the world or not. I've been to the airport so many times in the past year that I think it would beat the amount of times you've been to the airport in your whole life. And I love this. I homeschool, I hate it, but it's part of my life. And even though that probably makes no difference to you whatsoever, I'm gonna write it, because it's important to me.
So basically, when you think of me, I'd like you to think of Jacinta, the person. Not Jacinta, the missionary kid. Not Jacinta, the girl who controls the projector at church. Not Jacinta, the person who is on the youth organising team. No, when you hear my name I'd like you to think about me. My happiness when I'm with the people I love. My love for music and performing. Think of the stuff that matters, don't just think of the fact that I'm in another country.
Please note that this is not to say that I don't like being a part of the big picture of bringing people to Christ. I do. I like that I get to help God in this way. I love that I have this opportunity. But I don't love it when that's all people can think about when they look at me. I have a life too.
And to those people who make up my life, thankyou. Thankyou for being there for me when I was less than pleasant. When I was a grumpy-bum, a sulky person, or just really, really hurt. When I was completely depressed, but also when I was happy and joyful - because you were probably the one who put that smile on my face.
To all you guys, my friends, family and mere accquaintances. I love you. Thanks for being there for me in any and every circumstance. And thank you for being here now.