Monday, February 14, 2011

The Bush

So today I felt like sharing something that my one and only younger brother wrote :) It's a poem about the bush; more specifically, Malakula, an island of Vanuatu that he visited in December last year.
Now though I've only been to Malakula once, when I wasn't even 4 years old yet, I think Corey has captured the whole atmosphere of the place. Not only of Malakula, but of Vanuatu, the bush :) So please, read it and try and understand what I love about this place. The freedom, the happiness, the simplicity of life; these things, coupled with the people, are what makes Vanuatu so special to me.

See vines coming from the trees

Take a swing if you please

Sleep in huts of bamboo, wood and leaves

It’s nice and warm so there’s no need for sleeves

Hunt the birds to your desire

On the roads, you’re bound to get a flat tyre

Take a short dip in the river

The rushing water will make you shiver

Build a fire to dry your cloak

Keep it going with wood and oak

The garden is the source of your food

Many children waltz around nude

When the wind blows hear the leaves rustle

To clear an area with a bush knife takes a lot of muscle

Hear a villager laugh with glee

The people are happy whether a he or she

Look down to the ground as fertile as can be

Now look up to the beautiful tallest tree

Every boy wants to climb the tree

In the bush you are free

By Corey Zylstra